Home Behavior Caring for Clingy Cats: Olga’s Need for Attention (& What I Do...

Caring for Clingy Cats: Olga’s Need for Attention (& What I Do About It)

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Russian Blues aren’t usually considered clingy cats, and during her adolescent years, Olga enjoyed her alone time more. However, even as a kitten, she didn’t like it when I left for work. I made the mistake of saying goodbye and rubbing her head, which would result in her latching onto my arm and biting me. I thought it was funny and endearing, but I ended the practice when I noticed several tiny holes in the sleeves of my winter jacket.

Now, I say goodbye from a distance, but sometimes, she chases me to the door and tries to hit me on the leg. Since I work from home now, Olga becomes more upset when I leave. In the morning, after eating breakfast, she wanders into the guest room (her room) and sleeps under the couch. After two hours, she comes into my office, meows, and jumps in my lap to take a nap.

She naps for a few minutes and then sleeps on the windowsill or chair near my desk. She likes being in the same room but doesn’t need to be constantly touching me like my previous cat. Leaving her alone for short periods isn’t a problem, but she gets stressed when she knows I’m preparing for a trip.

Preparing for Vacations

Besides the vacuum cleaner, the suitcase is one of the objects most despised by felines. In the past, when I pulled my suitcase out, Olga would run under the bed and hide. I’ve learned that keeping my suitcase in the living room for several days before my trip helps. As you can see from one of the photos, Olga kept her distance when she first saw the suitcase.

After I placed her favorite toys near the suitcase, she relaxed and eventually rubbed her head against it. She didn’t seem stressed when I packed the suitcase a few days before my trip, but she used to get upset when I packed it the night before I left.

Making Time for Olga

If I’m not paying enough attention to Olga, she has several ways of letting me know. She spends most of her day napping, but when she’s ready to play, Olga attacks inanimate objects (or me) if I ignore her. She will run to a window and grab the strings on the blinds or drag one of the paper balls from under the couch and hit it in my direction.

Several months ago, when I was reading a book and ignoring her, she hit me on the head with a paper ball. Usually, she’s not that precise when she dribbles the ball on the floor, but I guess it was a lucky shot. You can’t always stop what you’re doing and play with your cat, but I try to play with her daily, especially when she has a burst of energy.

It makes her happy and keeps my blinds and other belongings from getting destroyed. Although she’s not clingy like a Siamese cat, she’s become more affectionate and needy since I’ve spent more time at home. By setting aside time every day to play with her and being more strategic with my vacation preparations, Olga doesn’t get as stressed or attack me as often.

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